
Ms. Wonson Goes to Kenya!

Thoughts on and photos from one teacher's adventures with Earthwatch.

June 20, 2007

Ms. Dolan Goes to Argentina!

One of my good friends has the chance to go on her own Earthwatch adventure this summer! I'm so excited for her. Amy Dolan, a science teacher at Hanover Middle School, is going to travel to Argentina next month on an Earthwatch Education Fellowship. She'll be helping researchers on an expedition called Argentina's Mysterious Cats. She will travel with 5 other volunteers to Laguna Chasico Provincial Park to help researchers study four wild cats: the pampas cat, the jaguarundi, the Geoffrey's cat, and the puma. On the expedition, Amy will get to help track, examine, collar, and track these cats. She will be staying in cabins at Los Alamos farm; unlike my expedition, they won't have a staff to cook and do laundry for them, but will have to share those tasks with the researchers. She might get the chance to do some horseback riding on her day off, and she'll be able to try the beef for which Argentina is famous.

If you're interested in following Amy's experiences in Argentina, you can check out her website.

It was almost a year ago that I left for my own Earthwatch expedition, so I know what this time is like for Amy. I can't wait to hear all about her adventure...and to see what she brings me back as a souvenir!

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