
Ms. Wonson Goes to Kenya!

Thoughts on and photos from one teacher's adventures with Earthwatch.

April 29, 2006

Buying out the store at REI

It's so much fun to buy things for my expedition! Even though there are still a couple of months before my trip, I used birthday money a couple of weeks ago to go on a shopping spree at REI. Because I like doing outdoor activities like hiking and camping, I have a lot of the gear I'll need already, but there were somethings that I either need more of, need to replace, or need to buy for the first time. A month or so ago, I made an REI gift registry so that I could keep track of the things I wanted to buy. There isn't really a "wish list" option on, so the gift registry worked well, and then other people could see it, too. If you'd like to see the kinds of things that I need to take with me, you can check out the gift registry at here. Anyway, everything I ordered came in to the Hingham store (I ordered online and had it shipped to the store...I love that option!) on Thursday, and I was so excited to pick it all up. I bought a new daypack, which is a little smaller than I expected. That's probably a good thing; the L.L. Bean backpack that I have is large and heavy, and might be uncomfortable to lug around all day in Kenya. I also got a new pair of hiking pants; I'll need a couple of pairs of pants for field work, and these can convert to shorts when I'm back at the Earthwatch compound. I also bought a lot of small things, like a new Nalgene water bottle, a small tripod for my camera, a digital camera card, biodegradable soap, sunscreen to protect me from the Equatorial sun, bugspray to keep away the malaria-carrying mosquitoes, and a big sun hat. I also bought some new light hiking socks...I'm still not sure how comfortable wool socks will be in Kenya, but I need good socks if I'm going to wear my hiking boots all day to protect me from snakes. I can't wait to test out some of my new gear, like the daypack and pants, on the Adventure Club hiking trip in a couple of weeks! Maybe I'll bring along the pocket survival kit that my brother bought me, too; I think he's afraid I'm going to get lost in the savannah! In any case, I think it's a good thing that I will need to use some of my new purchases before July, because otherwise I would be tempted to start packing already, which would be just a bit ridiculous. :)


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