
Ms. Wonson Goes to Kenya!

Thoughts on and photos from one teacher's adventures with Earthwatch.

May 10, 2006

Press Coverage

There was an article about me in the paper yesterday! Mr. Edson brought me a copy of the article from the May 9 Patriot Ledger at the play rehearsal last night. It was such a surprise! As part of my fellowship, I had to write a press release and send it out to local papers. I emailed my press release to a bunch of different editors and reporters at various papers last weekend, but I didn't hear anything at all from the Patriot Ledger in response. I really wasn't expecting to have it be so easy to get press coverage for my trip. There doesn't seem to be an online version of the article anywhere, so I can't share it easily with all of you here, but I will be glad to show the print copy to anyone who would like to read it.


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